Tuesday, January 8, 2013

The Vietnamese Coffee Debate Ca Phe Sua Da or Ca Phe Da?

Vietnamese Coffee Cà phê đá on the left and Cà phê sữa đá on the right
How do you have your Vietnamese Coffee Cà phê đá or Cà phê sữa đá? For the un-initiated Vietnamese coffee is strong yet an enjoyable brew and is something most travellers to Vietnam will be come acquainted with before their trip is over, I and most Vietnamese start the day off with a mandatory glass of the stuff when I am in Australia its normally a fairly quick drink however when I am residing in Vietnam it is normally a longer affair, nothing better than sitting down with a few friends in the morning at a local café sipping on a cà phê sữa đá or cà phê đá as the morning lingers on.
Which brings me on to my next point how do you have your Vietnamese coffee for many years I was a big fan of cà phê sữa đá (Vietnamese Coffee with condensed milk and ice) but in recent years and to the joy of my father in-law I have switched to cà phê đá (Vietnamese Coffee with just Ice and Sugar) i.e. minus the condensed milk.
In general if you ask the Vietnamese population what they prefer in the cà phê đá / cà phê sữa đá debate, responses would be drawn down gender lines with most Vietnamese women preferring cà phê sữa đá and the guys preferring cà phê đá
As for visiting a café in Vietnam that’s another story what I can say the Cafés in Vietnam range from a simple side walk setup with plastic chairs and tables up to the most spectacular garden themed cafés complete with waterfalls, stay tuned for a future article on Vietnamese Cafés, until then here is a link to an feature story I wrote for sister blog Asia Travel Magazine back in 2009 - Saigon Cafes – Our Guide to Cafes in Saigon Vietnam


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